60m x 20m Arena for Hire
1 hr
18 British pounds30 min
12 British pounds1 hr
15 British pounds30 min
10 British pounds
The Small Print
1. Riders must verify that they are fully covered against third party risks through their own or their parent's insurance policy.
2. Riders, and instructors or spectators invited by them whether riding or on foot, use the arena at their own risk.
3. Riders must clear any horse droppings in the arena or in the car park at the end of their session, and leave them in the wheelbarrow by the arena gate.
4. No riders are expected to move the jumps in or out of the arena more than once for each session. Since most riders use the jumps, they will normally be left in the arena. Riders requiring a clear arena should remove the jumps from the arena and place them outside, near the old oak tree, and may leave them there at the end of their session.
5. Any breakages of jumps or other damage must be reported.
6. All riders using the arena, and the club officer in charge of any event, should post a note of their name and date/time into the locked section of the box by the gate of the arena on every occasion when they use it. For this purpose there are cards for arena members, and envelopes for cash with a card for hourly charges, in the top left section of the box.